"I don't care where you put it. At the end of the year I will collect them all and burn them."

I accomplished a lot of nothing today

Today I spent literally all my time from morning to night doing my web-development class so that I could learn how to use CSS grid. stopping only a few times to eat, drink tea, and talk with my family for a bit.

Hours later, I was feeling confident! I would begin work on my own personal drawtober website! so i booted up VScode, made my boilerplate, had my template all drawn out aaaannnnddd

Nothing worked. The next two hours have been stumbling all over the place, trying to get grid working, giving up, getting flexbox working, giving up, wondering what it was I was doing wrong. still no conclusions.

Maybe tomorrow I will re-watch all the lessons again and see if I grock anything better the second time around. The page I'm trying to make is so baby-easy that I'm feeling ashamed of myself a bit.

Was I drinking tea? Was I drinking idiot juice by accident? No clue.

Up until now I was really enjoying web development. There is obviously something I'm not quite getting. I'm gonna shower, clean my tea-cups, and play FF7 until I pass out. maybe tomorrow will yield better fruit. Maybe tomorrow is the day I decide not to touch a computer and instead draw spheres until they look realistically three dimensional.

seal With loving kindness, Daruma
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